Landscape / Public Art Strategies and Design Coding
Landscape strategies examine complex and often disparate sites, and propose targeted interventions aimed at realising each site's potential for public amenity, biodiversity, access, connectivity, screening and land / asset value. Consultation is a key component to each strategy, allowing ideas to be tested and rationalised in a collaborative, and transparent way. Our approach is to balance qualitative design with quantitative analysis.
We apply this same rigor to the production of public art strategies. Public art can often be delivered in an ad hoc, reactionary way which can lead to criticism and sometimes to vandalism or public rejection. Urban Wilderness work with private clients and Local Authorities to develop site based, city wide or regional arts strategies, which seek to deliver a holistic approach to public art. We engage stakeholders and local people within the process in order to embody a consensual sense of ownership and foster an interest in public art. Our art strategies are fully costed and clearly set out the steps undertaken from consultation and site identification to, commissioning and implementation. Urban Wilderness offer post strategy services from tendering arts commissions to working with the artists regarding cost management and implementation.